Wednesday, May 30, 2018

~ Life Is Wonderful ~

What happens when you realize that freeing your life from the evil that surrounds you and letting yourself be carried by the current of the river of peace is the best thing that can happen in your life?

That's what happened to me, surrounded by evil, envy, chaos, drama ... We deserve to live life in peace and in our own way, not need someone comes and wants to make you change.

You do not need poop around you, you do not need to listen to bad advice, you need to listen to the advice of the people who bring you to light ... So it was with me, I listened to my best friend, her advice was the best, I will thank each day of my life the help that she gave me.

Remember to be happy every day, because that is what you deserve, happiness ... and fly!


Scandalize - Tropical Mandala (group gift)


Runaway - Lilly Fatpack


Maitreya Lara


Catwa Lona